An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Modified Snake And Ladder Game on Knowledge about Personal Hygiene among School Age Children (9 To 11 Years) in Holy Prince Mat. Hr. Sec School
Snake and Ladder game, School age children, Personal hygieneAbstract
Pre experimental one group pre and posttest research design was used for this study. 50 School going children of 9 to 11 years from Holy Prince Mat. Hr. Sec School selected by convenient sampling technique. Pre-test conducted regarding personal hygiene and knowledge was assessed using self-structured questionnaire. At the beginning of 20th century, the major cause of child morbidity is due to lack of personal hygiene and spread of infection. So that the researcher planned to use Snake and Ladder Game which is regarded as one form of play therapy. Through this, the researcher will be able to educate school age children on healthy habits and personal hygiene.