Pandas Syndrome


  • Jasmine Farhana M


Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Streptococcus infection, Obsessive-compulsive behavio


Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders (PANDAS) refers to a group of mental health conditions in children that suddenly occurs after a Streptococcus infection. Group A Streptococcus bacteria may cause many different infections such as strep throat, certain skin infections, and, if a person does not receive any treatment for rheumatic fever. Psychological symptoms are Obsessive, compulsive and repetitive behaviors, Separation anxiety, fear and panic attacks, Incessant screaming, irritability and mood changes, Emotional and developmental regression, Visual or auditory hallucinations. Physical symptoms are Tics and unusual movements, Sensitive to light, sounds and touch, Small motor skill deterioration, Hyperactivity, Memory problems, Trouble sleeping, refusing to eat, Joint pain, Bedwetting. The diagnosis of PANDAS requires a careful medical history and physical examination. The first line of treatment for PANDAS should be antibiotics to kill the Streptococcus bacteria. PANDAS often gets better, and even when it does not, the symptoms are manageable. With ongoing treatment, disability accommodations, and family support, a child can have a happy, healthy life.




