A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Dengue Free Package on Knowledge Regarding Dengue Fever among the Caretakers of Children Admitted at Selected Hospital, Tiruvannamalai


  • U. Udayasankari
  • R. Premavathy


Effectiveness, Dengue Free Package, Dengue Fever, Caretakers of Children


The experimental research design used in this study was pretest and posttest design. The study was conducted in government medical college and hospital, Tiruvannamalai. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the caretaker of the children aged between 18-35 years. The Intervention comprised the role play about dengue fever, slideshow presentation about dengue fever and pamphlets about prevention of dengue fever. The knowledge regarding prevention of dengue fever assessed using the structured questionnaire. The comparison between the pre and posttest level of knowledge in experimental and control group showed that the calculated paired ‘t’ value t= 18.57 caretaker in the control group as found to be statistically significant at p<0.001 level. This clearly shows that the implementation of dengue fever package had shown a significant improvement in the post test level of knowledge on prevention of dengue fever among caretakers of children in the experimental group than the care taker in the control group. The study findings concluded that there was a statistically significant different in the level of knowledge after dengue free package and this proved to be significant method to improve the knowledge regarding prevention of dengue among care takers of children.

