A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Awareness Programme on Knowledge Regarding Pubertal Changes and Menstrual Hygiene among Adolescent Girls at Selected School


  • Sumangala B R
  • Ananda Kudari


Adolescent girls, Awareness, Hygiene, Menarche, Menstruation, Puberty


Research design: Evaluative exploration method with a pre-experimental single (One) group pre-test and post-test design was implemented in the study. Aims: To appraise the efficacy of an awareness program on knowledge about pubertal changes and menstrual hygiene amongst adolescent girls at selected high schools. Sample and Sampling technique: A total of 40 adolescent girls studying in 7th and 8th grade were nominated using the conventional technique. Methods of collection of data: The tool utilized for information gathering was demographic variables knowledge questions on pubertal changes and menstrual hygiene. Analysis: The composed data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The research findings of before interventions score were 60% (24) of adolescent girls had average cognize, 32% (13) scored good, and the remaining 03(8%) have poor Cognize. While post-intervention knowledge, 80% (32) of adolescent girls got average, 20% (08) good and no one had poor knowledge. The results of this research displayed that before and after manipulation average score was 9.17 and the standard deviation is 2.21 and 11.95 and SD was 1.41. respectively. The gotten t-test score i.e. 8.86 greater than the critical value of 2.02 which showed that highly significant at the 0.05 level. Conclusion: this outcome designated that the awareness program was effective in improving the understanding of adolescent girls concerning pubertal changes and menstrual hygiene.




