Assessment of Knowledge about Vaginitis among Married Women in a Selected Village at Mudappallur, in Palakkad District


  • Sheeba S
  • Tamil Selvi. P


Knowledge, Vaginitis, Married Women


Women are the nucleus of the society. 20% of total population constitutes, 25-45 years of women are child bearing age group. Nowadays the women is the true owner and care giver of her body and to get holistic health care women’s participation, cooperation and health care experience is very essential. Womans’s health has changed to maintenance of wellness from treatment of problem, which promote selfcare through proper education and support. According to WHO, the prevalence of vaginitis is 10–25% and is seen reproductive age group worldwide. Preventing the spread of RTIs requires that women at risk of acquiring infection must change their hygienic practices and behaviors. Which includes knowledge about reproductive physiology, knowledge about menstrual and personal hygiene, to improve nutritional health, use appropriate health seeking behavior and health services, changing sexual behaviors and practices. So there is an urgent need to assess the knowledge of married women regarding vaginitis. The main purpose of the study is to assess the knowledge of married women regarding vaginitis. A quantitative research approach was used to evaluate the knowledge of married women regarding vaginitis. The research design adopted for the present study was simple Descriptive. Samples were married women from a village at palakkad district sample size was 50 and sampling technique was purposive sampling. The association between demographic variables and knowledge level was determined by chi square test. The result shows that, 31(62%) of married women had moderately adequate knowledge and 19(38 %) had inadequate knowledge and and none of them have Inadequate knowledge about knowledge regarding vaginitis. In the present study the investigator assessed that majority of married women have adequate knowledge regarding vaginitis. The knowledge married women was influenced by the demographic variable such as Age and Religion mentioned in this study.




