Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme Regarding Natural Family Planning Method among Married Women in the Reproductive Age Group


  • Catherine .
  • Athira Thomas
  • Athulya. S
  • Deviga. D
  • Sr. Diji Davis. C
  • Sarguna. G
  • Udayakumari. G
  • Ravichandran. K


cycle beads, Natural family planning, Married women, Reproductive age group


Background: Family planning helps women protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies. Natural family planning allows women to grow familiar with her body’s natural menstrual cycles and in some cases may help to reveal abnormal changes that could be the results of an underlying health problem. Methods: one group pretest research design was used to assess the knowledge on natural family planning method among married women in the reproductive age group at Kalapet, Puducherry. After obtaining informed consent, data was collected from 39 married women using self-structured knowledge questionnaire. Purposive sampling technique was used. Information was administered with the use of cycle beads. Results: Study results revealed that in pretest, none of them had adequate knowledge, 30.23% had moderately adequate knowledge and majority 69.23% had inadequate knowledge. In posttest, 92.3% had adequate knowledge, 7.7% had moderately adequate knowledge and none of them had inadequate knowledge. The comparisons of pretest and posttest knowledge level revealed that mean knowledge score was 17.90 with SD of 1.619. There was no significant association between the posttest levels of knowledge with selected demographic variables. Conclusion: The study concluded that knowledge level on natural family planning method was very low and there is a need to improve it with the help of Health Education program and cycle beads explanation.




