Study to Assess the Knowledge of Pregnant Mothers Regarding Prevention of Anemia in Obstetric Wards at PK DIMS Hospital Vaniyamkulam Palakkad Kerala
Knowledge, Pregnant Mothers, Prevention of AnemiaAbstract
Background of the study: In recent years Anaemia is the most wide spread and often neglected disorders complicating pregnancy. WHO estimates 2 billion people in world are anaemic, accounting 30% of the world population. Anaemia affects 13% of the population in the developed world, and 44% in developing world. Amongst the Asian countries, perhaps Bangladesh and China have a higher incidence of anaemia than India, but Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka have a lower incidence than India. Aneamia contributes directly 20% of maternal deaths and aneamia in 64.4% in and analysis of maternal mortality. In India, poverty, malnutrition, religious taboos, superstitions and unfounded beliefs, gender discrimination, early marriage, early child bearing, poor acceptance of contraception, frequent and poorly spaced pregnancies, illiteracy, social independence and inadequate pre natal care, poorly supervised deliveries often in un hygienic home surroundings are all too common. In PKDIMS hospital many anemic cases were reported in pregnant mothers during this year. The pregnant mothers were giving less consideration for the prevention of anemia. Awareness about prevention of anemia is essential for them. Knowledge about the anemia and prevention of anemia in pregnancy make easier to identify the causes, symptoms, treatment, management and preventive measures. So, the researchers felt the necessity to conduct the study and asses the knowledge regarding prevention of anemia in pregnancy. The study was aimed to assess the knowledge regarding prevention of anemia in pregnancy, in a selected 30 pregnant mothers in the PKDIMS hospital, Vaniyamkulam. The objectives of the study were to: Assess the knowledge of pregnant mothers regarding the anaemia And Improve the knowledge about anaemia and its preventive Measures. The research design was a nonexperimental descriptive design. By simple random sampling 30 pregnant mothers of PKDIMS hospital were selected. The data were obtained by using structured questionnaire and observation check list. Content validity of developed tool was established by two experts and necessary modifications were made as suggested by experts. Pilot study was conducted among five pregnant mothers in PKDIMS hospital Vaniyamkulam. Data analysis done by descriptive and inferential statistics. Major findings of the study include: Findings of demographic variable revealed that most (73.3%) of sample were in age group 18 – 28, 63.3% of respondents had socio economic status between 5000-15000, 50% of respondents had higher secondary/PDC education. 33% of respondents had high school education. 16.6% of respondents had completed Degree, 60% of respondents had living in Panchayath.20% of respondents had living in Municipality and 20% of respondents had living in co-operation, 43.3% of respondents had Primi gravida, 40% of respondents had second gravida, and 16.6% of respondents had third gravida, Majority of respondents (33.3%) had below average knowledge regarding anaemia in pregnancy and 30% had well, 30% had average and 3.3% had excellent and 3.3% had very good knowledge.