A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Contraceptive Methods Among Women of Reproductive Age Group in Selected Ward in Punnayoorkulam Panchayat, Thrissur District
women, contraceptive methodsAbstract
Contraception is the deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse. Purpose is to determine the knowledge regarding contraceptive methods among women of reproductive age group in selected ward of Punnayoorkulam Panchayat, Thrissur District. Methodology: Non experimental research design is used for this study. In this study consists of 30 women of reproductive age group in selected ward in Punnayoorkulam panchayat, Thrissur District. Results: Majority (46.67%) of the subjects were having moderate knowledge, 33.34% were having good knowledge, 13.33% of the subjects were having excellent knowledge and 6.66% of the subjects were having poor knowledge. Chi square test value level of knowledge with educational status is 18.22 and p value is 16.92. There is an association between level of knowledge with educational qualification is statistically significant. Chi square test value of level of knowledge with occupational status is 21.39 and p value is 16.92 Hence there is an association between levels of knowledge with occupational status is statistically significant.