A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Pregnancy Related Specific Emotions and It’s Management among Primigravida women Residing in a Selected Community, Bailhongal, Belagavi District


  • Gauravva Kadam
  • Arpana Sanadi


Knowledge, Primigravida women, Pregnancy, related specific emotions, its management


Pregnancy in woman’s life brings many perspective changes. For the first-time mothers, which initiates a new social role, and they experience motherhood. Pregnancy happenings take place both emotionally and physically in mothers. The changes like neuroendocrine and biological that occur during pregnancy have profound psychological effects on expectant mothers. The pregnancy brings many emotions that play a very vital role in the development of the fetus during pregnancy. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programs on pregnancy-related specific emotions, and it’s management among Primigravida women. Methodology is a quantitative evaluative study was conducted among 60 Primigravida women of selected community, Bailhongal. The pre-experimental, one-group pre-test, and post-test research design was selected. Results: In the pre-test, the majority of the Primigravida women had 56.7% inadequate knowledge and 38.3% had moderate knowledge. After administration of structured teaching programme, 66.7% of the subjects had adequate knowledge; 23.3% had moderate knowledge and only 10% had inadequate knowledge regarding Pregnancy-related specific emotions, and it’s management in the post-test. The overall analysis of level of knowledge of Primigravida women regarding Pregnancy-related specific emotions and its management showed that mean knowledge scores of the subjects at pre-test were 13.75 (45.83%) found to be inadequate knowledge regarding Pregnancy-related specific emotions and its management. After administration of structured teaching program, mean knowledge scores of the subjects at post-test were 23.5 (78.33%) found to be significant. Conclusion: Findings of the study show that there was a significant difference in pre-test and post-test knowledge scores of Primigravida women. From this, it is concluded that the structured teaching program is effective in improving the level of knowledge of Primigravida women. And there was a significant association between knowledge scores of Primigravida women and selected demographic variables such as age and monthly family income.

