Effectiveness of Soya Bean Powder on Reduction of Menopausal Symptoms among Post-Menopausal Women between 45-56 Years of Age at a Selected Rural Area, Coimbatore
menopause, postmenopausal, soya beanAbstract
Statement of the Problem: Effectiveness of soya bean powder on reduction of menopausal symptoms among post postmenopausal women between 45 - 56 years of age at a selected rural area, Coimbatore. Study Objectives: (a) To assess the level of menopausal symptoms among postmenopausal women between 45 – 56 years of age in experimental group and control group (b) To provide soya bean powder in experimental group (c) To compare the level of menopausal symptoms among postmenopausal women between 45 – 56 years of age in experimental and control group (d) To associate the findings with demographic variables in experimental group. Methodology: Quantitative approach, quasi experimental research design was used for the present study. The sample size of the present study consists of 40 post menopausal women, 20 in experimental group and 20 in control group, selected by non-probability convenience sampling technique. Heinemann menopausal rating scale was used to assess the menopausal symptoms. Results: Descriptive and Inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The obtained ‘t’ value for menopausal symptoms after providing soya bean powder to experimental group was 14.5. The obtained ‘t’ value for menopausal symptoms were higher than the table value. Conclusion: The level of menopausal symptoms was significantly reduced for experimental group.