Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme Regarding Antenatal Diet among Pregnant Mothers with Less than 11 grams of Hemoglobin attending Antenatal OPD’s


  • N. Sucharitha
  • V. R. Pushpa Jyothi


Effectiveness, Structured Teaching Programme, Pregnant Mothers, Antenatal Diet


The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on antenatal diet to pregnant mothers with less than 11gms of hemoglobin those who attend Antenatal OPD, at PES Hospital, Kuppam, Chittoor District, A.P with a view to improve knowledge regarding antenatal diet. 60 Pregnant mothers were selected with less than 11 grams of hemoglobin by using non probability convenient sampling technique. One group pre and post test only research design was used for the study. Level of knowledge assessed by using structured questionnaire. The analysis revealed that in pretest, 26 (43%) had inadequate knowledge, 31 (52%) had moderate knowledge and 03 (05%) had adequate knowledge. In post test, none of the mothers had inadequate knowledge, 09 (15%) had moderate knowledge and 51(85%) had adequate knowledge. The results showed that post test knowledge score was higher than the pre test knowledge scores which was found to be significant. Hence study concluded that the structured teaching programme had an effect on improving knowledge of pregnant mothers with less than 11gms of hemoglobin regarding antenatal diet.

