A Pre Experimental Study was undertaken to assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching on Obstetric Complications among Health Assistants (F) working in the Health Centre Rangareddy District


  • Seema Yadav




Childbirth, Health Assistants, Health Centre, Obstetric Complications, Pregnancy


A Pre Experimental Study was undertaken To Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching on Obstetric Complications among Health Assistants (F) working in the Health Centre Rangareddy District Objectives of The Study -Assess the knowledge of Health Assistants (F) regarding obstetric complications by giving pretests. -Plan and conduct planned teaching on obstetric complications. -Evaluate the planned teaching by giving a post test. The study adopted the pre experimental on group pretest and posttest design with planned teaching as the independent variable and Health Assistants (F) knowledge on obstetric complications as the dependent variable. The study was conducted in the Health Center Rangareddy Dist. The population for the study was Health Assistants (F). The size was thirty and was selected through simple random technique structured questionnaire was prepared. The reliability of the questionnaire was tested by test retest method. The correlation coefficient was obtained by using the Karl Pearson formula. A value of r= 0.925 for knowledge scores was obtained indicating that the questionnaire was reliable. A pilot study was conducted on Three Health Assistants (F) at the Primary Health centre Rangareddy dist., The tool was feasible, appropriate, and practicable. The analysis and interpretation of data was done with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. The pre rest mean is 17.23 (43.08%) and post post test scores mean is 35.13 (87.13%). The calculated value of 't' is 42.449 which is much higher than the tabulated 't' value of 1.6991 at 29 degrees of freedom with a 5% level of significance. This shows there is a very high significance difference between the performance levels of pre test & post test using which we can conclude that the administered structured teaching program on health assistants on Obstetric Complications are very effective. The implementation of a structured teaching program improved the overall performance of Health Assistants in the knowledge of Obstetric Complications. Hence, it can be concluded that the planned teaching was effective. The above findings indicate that Health Assistants (F) can be educated on obstetric complications and effectively prevent maternal mortality. The contents included in the lesson were Antepartum haemorrhage, PPH, and Eclampsia.

