Breast Cancer and Its Treatment Approaches
Breast Cancer, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Recent ApproachesAbstract
Cancer is a cellular reproduction process and grows in an unsuppressed manner, developing a mass of cells called a carcinoma. Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer among women worldwide, reckoning for 1 in 4 cancer cases. The estimated 2.3 million new cases indicate that one in every 8 cancers diagnosed in 2020 is breast cancer. It is one of the leading causes of women mortality. Breast cancer will occur when some of the breast tissues were begin to grow abnormally. These carcinoma cells originates either from the lobules or the ducts of the breast. Some of the cause for breast cancer previous history, environmental causes, hormone therapies followed by the risk factors are getting older, late menstrual, fatness, radioactive exposure etc., Breast cancer classified as Non-Invasive Breast Cancer, ductal tumor, lobular tumor. There were about four stages of breast cancer, which can be diagnosed by CT scan, mammography, MRI, ultrasonography, etc., Treatment for breast cancer is about chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgeries, hormone replacement therapies and so on. Recent approaches have in implication for breast cancer such as gene therapy, Oncogenes Inactivation, Augmentation of Tumor Suppresser Genes, Cell-Target Suicide.