Yoga For Irregular Periods: Proven Asanas to Regulate Menstrual Cycles and Rectify Hormonal Imbalance
Yoga, Menstrual Disorders, Healthy Life style, Remedies, PracticeAbstract
Yoga is believed to help women of all ages lead healthier lives, by immediate remedy through relaxation, and deeper action through body mind regulation. It is believed to inspire system that influences one’s notions about wellness in life, even in presence of disorders. Objectives is to assess the yoga practice status and its treatment for menstrual disorders in women. Medically termed as menstruation or menstrual cycles and involving the elimination of the uterus lining i.e. endometrium through bleeding via the vagina, the average gap between each period is usually 28 days, with minor variations for each individual. There were about remedies for this disorders is about 12 yoga asanas such as Pranamasana, Hastauttasana, padahastasana, Ashwa sanchalasana Dandasana, ashtanga, namaskar Bhujangasana, Adho mukha savasana, Ashwa sanchalasana, Padahastasana, Tadasana. Moreover, counter measure for menstrual disorders is Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin, for it is synthesized in the skin by the reaction of cholesterol compounds with UV-B rays from the sun and many women are found to be invariably deficient in this vital nutrient due to sedentary lifestyles and limited or no exposure to sunlight.