Sensitive Changes During Puerperium


  • K. Bharathi Venkatsubban
  • Ravindar Navappan


Puerperium, Mental changes, Taking- in, Taking -hold, Letting- Go, Psychological support


The Postpartum period, also known as Puerperium in which, the mother's body undergoes major changes during the first 24 hours after childbirth, especially of psychological changes. The post natal mother undergoes 3 phases include Taking in phase, Taking Hold Phase, Letting go phase. The take-up phase provides time for a woman to regain her physical strength and organize her delicate thoughts about her new role. Taking hold phase allows the woman to gradually settle into her new role. Letting go phase- woman finally accepts her new role and relinquishes her old roles. This article explores an understanding of postnatal mother’s psychological status and can be handled constructively with great psychological support, which helps woman easier to go through theses stages.

