History of Medicinal Plant Use Over Time: From Empirical Knowledge to New Guidelines in Brazil


  • Rony Conceição
  • Cláudia Nascimento
  • Suzy Vascuncelos
  • Saranraj P.
  • Alaíde Barreto
  • Paulo Stephens
  • Gláucio Diré


Herbal medicines, history; traditional medicine, medicinal plants


This article aims to make a chronological study of the use of plants for therapeutic purposes in Traditional Medicine in view of the medicinal use of great anthropological relevance for some countries. A bibliographic review was used as research methodology, paying attention to the interdisciplinary process with regard to knowledge preserved and bequeathed by past generations; thus aiming to create investigative possibility that provides scientific comparative analysis in studies of flora and its medicinal potential, pointing to the future perspectives. It also discusses the aspects of biodiversity and the sustainability of these resources in Brazil from the perspective of the World Health Organization, the Conventions on Biological Diversity of the Ministry of the Environment and also treats ANVISA's guidelines regarding the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia's Phytotherapeutics form for the production of new phytotherapics and the list of SUS medicinal plants (Renisus).

