A Review on Medicinal and General Importance of Ficus Bengalis Tree


  • Hemant Kumar
  • Abhishek Pathak
  • Deependra Bundela


Ficus Bengalis Tree, Medicine, Plant


Ficus Bengalis, popularly known as the banyan tree, has been utilised as a medicinal tree since antiquity. The distinguishing names of the banyan tree were given by British scientists, and many individuals and traders used to gather for the purpose of business. The Fichus tree is honoured as a National Tree. Ficus means "fig," and bengalensis means "of or pertaining to Bengal." It inspires many Indians and represents the majority of the Hindu Gods. The bark of the banyan tree represents Lord Vishnu, while the roots symbolise Lord Brahma and the branches represent Siva. Its short branches have been utilised in Yajiia (a sacrificial rite) since Vedic times and it is recognised for its massive structure. Which was tall enough to house his entire army of 7,000 men? According to Some Veda, the banyan tree reduces environmental pollutants and is one of the sources of Lfiksfi (Lac). Its therapeutic value is recorded in Ayurvedic literature. Various studies are required to understand the therapeutic benefits of the Banyan tree.

