Nigerian Plants with Anti-Inflammatory and Antifungal Potential
Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungalAbstract
For a long time, medicinal plants have been used to cure many sorts of sickness. This study discusses various Nigerian plants and their key elements that have anti-inflammatory properties. It gives a fast overview on the function and actions of these medicinal plants and their main constituents in inflammatory illnesses. D. cinerea, F. iteophylla, Alafia barteri, Combretum mucronatum and Capparis thoningii Schum, Zingeber officinate, Cassia occidentalis, and Moringa oleifera are among the Nigeria anti-inflammatory herbs. These plants' anti-inflammatory qualities will give further knowledge on treatment methods for various inflammatory disorders. Fungi, which are microbiological organisms, are not immune to antibiotic resistance. The majority of commonly used fungicidal medicines are no longer effective in treating fungal infections. Consequently, antifungal agents have recently been in high demand. Plants with antifungal agents are Ocimum gratissimum, Acalypha wilkesiana (Muell Arg.), Funtumia elastica (Preuss), Anogeissus leiocarpus, Terminalia avicennoides, Mallotus oppositifollius, Ssystasia gangetica, Carica papaya and Diodia scandens. This paper elucidates Nigerian plant with anti-inflammatory and antifungal potentials.