Preparation, Evaluation and Comparison of Herbal Mouthwash containing Eucalyptus Oil and Clove Oil with Marketed Formulation
Anti-inflammatory, Decayed tooth oral rinse, Microbial burden, Natural oilsAbstract
Mouthwash is usually a liquid anticipated to clean and diminish microbial burden in oral cavity reflexively or washed around the mouth. It is also called as oral rinse, mouth bath or mouth rinse. Mouthwashes that are currently available in the market are full of many chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate, hydrogen peroxide, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), methyl salicylate, benzalkonium chloride, alcohol which are dangerous to mucus membrane of our oral cavity. We have formulated a herbal mouthwash which can substitute costly chemicals like alcohol, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) coloring agents and preservatives making the formulation more economic than commercial one .A herbal mouthwash preparation is developed using eucalyptus oil and clove oil in cardamom water as an active ingredient. Natural oils were selected based upon literature survey. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects are provided with the aid of Eucalyptus oil whereas for relieving toothache in a decayed tooth Clove oil is applicable. Finally, herbal mouthwash is formulated by employing simple mixing and stirring techniques. The developed formulation is then evaluated and compared with standard marketed formulation for tests like density, stability, microbial growth, viscosity, specific gravity, refractive index, pH, etc.