An Accident Alert Prone Strategy Design for the Fast Drivers in Automobile Sectors


  • Praveen N.
  • Suhasini V. K
  • K. N. Vijaykumar
  • Mansi Hatwar
  • Anjana R.
  • Aditi Akundi
  • Varshini M.
  • Adithya T. G.
  • Pavithra G.
  • Sindhu Sree M.


Accident, Arduino, GPS, Human, Life


This paper presents the concept and development of a driver alert system for auto accidents. Speed is one of the primary causes of traffic collisions. Today, one of the leading causes of fatalities among people is the dramatic increase in traffic accidents. The value of human life is greater than all other considerations, and prompt assistance is more vital than offering a helping hand. More lives could have been saved if emergency services had been able to obtain accident reports and arrive there in time. The interval between the accident and the time the ambulance arrives at the scene of the accident is crucial in terms of saving human lives. By decreasing death rates, we can shorten the period between an accident occurring and a medical ambulance being sent to the scene. Today, GPS is an essential component of a car's system. The vehicle's axles suddenly change, which is detected by the accelerometer. Arduino UNO will test it. The Arduino uses the GSM module to send the warning message, complete with the location, to the police control room or a rescue squad. The police can therefore use the GPS module to automatically track the location after obtaining the information. The work given here is a mini-project completed by electronics and communication engineering students in the second semester at Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering in Bangalore, Karnataka.




