Electrical Lymph Purifiers


  • Michael Shoikhedbrod


Lymph, Lymph purifiers, Treatment of liver cirrhosis, Hepatitis patients, Hem sorption


Existing lymph purifiers do not allow cleansing the body of a patient with liver cirrhosis or hepatitis from an increased concentration of toxic substances contained in his lymph. In addition, the process of cleansing lymph in these purifiers takes a long time, during which the patient remains without lymph, waiting for pure lymph, which drastically weakens him and in exceptional cases can lead to death. The presence of a large number of cancer cells in the lymph of a patient with liver cirrhosis or hepatitis leads to their sharp multiplication in stagnant zones - lymph nodes, where the lymph does not move, which are the sources of the appearance of metastases. There is a need to develop new lymph purifiers and a new technology for the destruction of cancer cells. The article presents a developed special electrical lymph purifiers, which uses the adhesion of micro dispersed negatively charged hydrogen bubbles, formed under the action of an electric field on the lymph, to toxic micro particles or cancer cells that form strong complexes of hydrogen bubbles + toxic micro particles and hydrogen bubbles + cancer cell with an increased volume lifting, which, with the help of the force of Archimedes, leads to an easy natural separation of toxic micro particles and cancer cells from the lymph; as well as a newly developed technology for the destruction of cancer cells. The designed everyday medical electrical purifiers permit in short time to practically replace entire lymph of patient into the lymph of healthy person, freed from the cancerous cells, in the continuous regime, by recirculation on the locked outline. Conducted tests permitted to establish the high effective influence of the lymph purification by the developed purifiers on the process of treatment of patients with cirrhosis of the liver.




