Bridge Monitoring System Using IOT


  • Ms. Arohi. D. Sonawane
  • Ms. Pooja. P. Vichare
  • Mr. Shubham. S. Patil
  • Mr. Nitin. P. Chavande


Bridge tracking gadget (BMS), harm Detection, Bridge maintainance


In countries like India there is powerful focus on national infrastructure. New bridges are
built each year and the maintenance of those bridges is frequently ignored. The present structures uses very complex and excessive fee wired network and it additionally required high
upkeep for optical fiber machine. So the primary objective of this task is to build a cheap
bridge tracking machine for developing international locations like India. This project aim to
simplify the system for selecting bridge tracking devices. Many bridges within the India are
obsolete or structurally deficient to safely increase the life of those bridges, inspection would
be vital. Bridge engineers have many duties and it's far not possible to expect one to know.
Our device will sense the crack inside the bridge and signal might be given to govern room
immediately to stop cars.




