DFIG Control Performance for Wind Energy Conversion Systems during Fault Conditions
DFIG, wind turbine, fault analysis, pitch angle control, FFT analysisAbstract
This paper deals with the study of Doubly Fed Induction Generator based wind turbine
power generation system. The Dynamic response of proposed system, DFIG is connected to
grid during the fault conditions are verified in MATLAB/Simulink software. A wound rotor
type based induction generator, stator is connected to the grid though 25kv distribution line
and the rotor is connected to the grid through back-to-back IGBT based voltage source
converter which are used for the design of DFIG. The proposed doubly Fed Induction
Generator system has ability for generating the maximum power under low speed wind
conditions. The control system for the rotor, stator, pitch angle control, wind turbine power,
DC bus voltage, grid voltage and reactive power control are designed.