Digital Watermarking Technique For Protecting Data and Image Authentication


  • Nidhi Jain
  • M.P.S. Chawla


Watermarking technique, Image authentication


Due to immense growth in the online data storage, security of the important information has
become a keen point of interest. Hiding of an information involves its concealment, so that an
eavesdropper does not trace out the existence of that information. In the field of image
processing, the data hiding techniques play a vital role for authenticating the digital data and
its copyright protection. Digital watermarking is one of the efficient technique for embedding
significant information over the digital signals in order to check and maintain the
authenticity of it’s author and to safeguard it from being used illegally.In this paper, a
creamer framework utilizing three individual watermarking systems i.e. Discrete Wavelet
Transform (DWT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Singular Value Decomposition
(SVD) is proposed. This strategy abuses the upsides of the three individual frameworks and
in this way gives a prevalent security arrangement when appeared differently in relation to
various techniques. The examination of scale segment used as a part of the proposed
procedure close by the graphical results is moreover done.




