Automatic Control of Car Using Eye Blink, Air Blow And Mems Sensor and Home Security System Using Ir Sensors


  • Kiran. O.S
  • Mahalinga V Mandi


Arm, Zig bee, Dc motors, Air blow Sensor, Mems Sensor


This paper describes the design and implementation of a automatic remote controlled vehicle
and smart home security system using embedded system.The main purpose of this paper is to
help for physically challenged Person and aged person with several diseases such as spinal
cord injury, muscular dystrophies, multiple sclerosis etc., who have difficulty in conveying
their intension and communicating with other people in day to day life. In this paper a
prototype is developed to help them by designing a automatic car controlled system with
combination of several low cost sensors for vehicle controlling and home security system. In
this paper we discuss the design and implementation of an intelligent remote controlled
vehicle working on standard wireless sensor network i.e. ZIGBEE as a transceiver and not by
the usual method of keypad for the physically handicapped people.In this work we are
designing automatic remote control vehicle that can be controlled by combination of three
sensors namely EYE BLINK,AIR BLOW by mouth, MEMS sensor and ZIGBEE as a standardbased home-area wireless network .AIR BLOW sensor is connected to person mouth to start
the vehicle. MEMS sensors are based on hand movement of person fingers and it is used to
change the direction vehicle towards right or left. EYE BLINK sensor used here to stop the
vehicle that is connected person’s eye. This implementation also has home security system for
deaf and dumb. In the second section of this work an elderly person monitoring has been
done. Since it is difficult to monitor elderly disable person for 24 hours, when we are out of
home for any reason. If anyone enters to our home and during that time second section of
this work is to be used to monitor from where person is entering to home, if person is
entering from the door, receiver will receive the signal and message will be displayed that
from where person is entering to home and green light will be activated with vibrator, else if he is entering from window red light will be activated with vibrator and corresponding
message will be displayed on LCD display. The method of transmitting and receiving data
was done wirelessly using a ZigBee device.




