Micro-Controller-Based Heavy Traffic Controlling System Development in Crowded Places
Arduino mega 2650, Control, Implementation, System, LEDs, Traffic, Ultrasonic sensorsAbstract
This article describes how to create a density-based traffic control system using an Arduino microcontroller board. In most cities throughout the world, traffic congestion is a serious issue that has turned into a nightmare for the locals. It is brought on by signal delay, improper traffic signal timing, etc. Traffic does not affect the hard-coded traffic light delay, which is independent of it. Consequently, there is an increasing need for systematic quick automatic systems to optimize traffic control. The goal of this work is to create a dynamic traffic signal control that is dependent on density. Upon detecting the level of traffic at the intersection, the signal time adjusts automatically. The project's microcontroller is an ARDUINO. Ultrasonic sensors (trigger and echo) from the system will be installed on poles on either side of the road. As the cars drive past it, it is turned on and receives the signal. The work given here is a mini-project completed by electronics and communication engineering students in the second semester at Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering in Bangalore.