Prepaid Smart Energy Meter System Based on Arduino and RFID: A Review
Consumption, Energy metres, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), Microcontroller, Prepaid electricity, TheftAbstract
The awareness of energy use is crucial in the current situation because the demand for it is increasing daily. Prepaid electricity energy metres are an excellent idea because they allow you to recharge them just like mobile phones do. The necessity to reduce power wastage is compelled by the stark contrasts between energy production and consumption. The measurement of the distributed energy system and billing are challenging and have numerous issues, such as being incorrect, highly susceptible to tampering, and requiring numerous human operators. The prepaid electricity system suggested in this paper attempts to reduce power loss caused by theft and control its consumption on the consumer side. As a result, the power system is more effective overall. In this essay, the design and construction of a smart card prepaid electricity metre system are examined. This system allows consumers to purchase the necessary quantity of energy while also showing them their credit balance. Modern digital and information technology was used to create a prototype of the system, which has now been demonstrated to be stable, dependable, tamper-resistant, affordable, and simple to maintain. A customer can use the energy for which he has paid thanks to the RFID card. A microcontroller continuously checks to see if his balance is over or below the threshold limit, and it notifies him when it does. As it rises above the cut-off point, the supply is immediately halted. When necessary, the user can then recharge by completing an online payment. The amount of energy used is continuously displayed on the LCD.