Performance Analysis of SEPIC, Zeta and Luo Converter for Power Quality Enhancement
SEPIC, Zeta, Luo, DCM, DBR, PWM, PIAbstract
In present era swift advancement in semiconductor devices has amplified an expansive range for applications that are industrial, domestic and numerous others. Harmonic distortions created by power converters are alarming a severe problem for realistic operation of system. A traditional scheme using rectifier along with capacitor has an adverse consequence with additional losses. A comparative analysis of converters i.e. Single Ended Primary Inductance Converter (SEPIC), Zeta converter and Luo converter for improvement of power quality feeding Induction motor has been done in this paper. The proposed topology provides a decrement in the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) by operating a PI control along with the voltage follower scheme. The performance of intended converter is simulated in MATLAB environment which provides a greater quality for power across AC mains.