A Study to Assess the Effect of Interventional Package on Family Life Education among College Students


  • Seema Yadav




Family life education, Financial management, Genetic counselling, Marriage preparedness, Parenting style, Premarital sexual relationship, Sex education & contraception


The first objective of the study was to assess the level of knowledge on family life education among college students through a pre test. To assess the level of knowledge among college students the investigator administered a Questionnaire on family life education. Regarding knowledge in the Pre test Control Group, the majority 69.0% of students had Average knowledge of family life education, whereas in the Post Test Control Group the majority 63.50% of students had Average knowledge of family life education. In the Pre test, the Experimental Group majority 54.5% of students had Average knowledge of family life education whereas in the Post test Experimental Group majority, 63.5% of students had good knowledge of family life education. H0: There is no significant difference between the pre test and post test knowledge in the experimental group at p & lt; 0.05 was rejected. Hypotheses H1: There is a significant difference between the pre test and posttest knowledge in the experimental group at p & lt; 0.05 was accepted. OBJECTIVES -To assess the level of knowledge on family life education among college students. -To assess the level of attitude regarding family life education among college students. -To evaluate the effectiveness of the Interventional package on family life education among college students. -To find out the association between the level of knowledge scores with selected demographic variables -To find out the association between the level of Attitude scores with selected demographic variables. -To find out the correlation between knowledge and Attitude. The researcher felt that this study would help the college students to improve their knowledge and attitude by administering an interventional package on family life education.

