How to Handle Covid-19 in the Coastal Area of Tarahan Village to Make People Aware of Community Health for Themself During the Pandemic Situation Based of Sahabatlauid




Covid-19, community, pandemic, coastal, health, vaccine, Public


Covid-19 is a virus and a frightening specter for the community, especially so many cases of death that occurred in a short period of time which resulted in many aspects being disturbed, it is possible for coastal communities who have lifestyles that have their own roles in managing their lives in their environment. no wonder during this covid-19 pandemic, people are very worried about their health as well as coastal communities in Tarahan village where they only have one access in and out for travel, both education, economy and health. Therefore, if there is a Covid-19 case in the environment, it will be fatal for all the villages in it, especially in the current situation, people are easily consumed by inappropriate information. handling of covid-19 on the Tarahan coast by making hand soap, making masks and disseminating the types of symptoms of covid-19, the benefits of vaccination and the results of this study that 0% of cases in three hamlets namely Surung Batang, Gubuk Garam and Sinar laut. by using the community approach method the importance of comprehensive and appropriate public awareness in the adaptability of the community. People feel safe and stay healthy during the Covid-19 pandemic.

