Database Security: An Overview of Access Control and Data Encryption


  • Sanjay Kumar


Access control, Database security, Database systems (DBS), Encryption, Security risks


It is essential to organize database systems
(DBS) that are used to store, organize, and
manage the enormous quantity of data
generated today so that users may access,
retrieve, and update their data. The majority
of modern organisations employ DBS to boost
their productivity and efficiency; however,
the security risks to the DB are growing
increasingly serious. Therefore, maintaining
data integration and security against any
unwanted incursion became these
organizations’ top responsibility. DB security
offers several methods to safeguard data from
potential risks. To ensure the data's
confidentiality and integrity, the database
industry uses two techniques: Data
encryption and access control regulations. As
indicated by the rise in reported instances of
sensitive data loss or unauthorized exposure,
database security is an increasing concern.
The fundamental theoretical tool to use while
creating a security system is security models.
These models enforce security policies, which
any organisation has embraced as controlling
principles. Security models called access
control models were developed to restrict the
actions of authorized users. Role-based,
mandatory, and discretionary access controls
are the three main types of access control.
Each of the three methods has advantages
and disadvantages. The requirement and the
kinds of attacks the system is vulnerable to
determine the best access control architecture
to use.




