Impact of Active Power Control for Hosting Capacity Grid-Connected PV Systems
Hosting capacity, Low-voltage (LV), Photovoltaic system, Real power control, Smart inverterAbstract
Due to political, social, economic, environmental, and scientific advancements, renewable energy is gaining increasing popularity worldwide. This stands in contrast to traditional fossil fuel-based resources, which face challenges such as diminishing supplies, unstable global prices, and greenhouse gas emissions that harm the environment. However, the incorporation of distributed generation (DG) units can give rise to various issues, including over- and under-voltages, excessive line losses, overloading of transformers and feeders, failure of the protection system, and high levels of harmonic distortion that exceeds international standards. These problems arise when the system exceeds its hosting capacity (HC) limit or when the number of DG units surpasses the maximum allowable penetration level. This study aims to assess the hosting capacity of a Photovoltaic (PV) system in a low-voltage distribution grid through the utilization of a smart inverter with Volt-Watt control or active power control. Additionally, it investigates the impact of temperature, irradiance, and three-phase faults on the system's hosting capacity without causing disruptions to its regular operation. MATLAB Simulink is employed for this analysis. The findings indicate an improvement in the voltage profile at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC).
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