Wind-Solar Systems with Integration of Power System Grid


  • Dhanashree S. Patil
  • Shiwani S. Rasekar


Wind turbine system, Solar PV system, Power grid, Synchronization, MPPT


In comparison of traditional sources of energy production, renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy become advantageous in many ways, such as being environmentally friendly, widely available, non-depleting, etc. The only drawback, however, is that its results depend on the climate. Due to increasing energy costs and lower prices for turbines and PV panels windphotovoltaic hybrid system (WPHS) is becoming popular. But it is often necessary to compensate for the disadvantages of backup power. This paper is a photovoltaic (PV)- based and wind-based renewability-energy hybrid power system equipped with multilevel inverter and filter diode clamped. The power from wind and PV is suitable for hybrid systems because in India it is environmentally friendly and widely available. The hybrid energy system, however, which only depends on intermittent renewables, will produce a fluctuating output voltage that will damage machinery operating on a stable supply. The hybrid system is modelled using MATLAB Simulink and Diode Clamped multi-level invertor and LC filter. Before combining the whole DC voltage hybrid system and the central grid, blocks such as a wind model, the photovoltaic model, the Diode Clamped Multi-Level Inverter and the LC Filter are built separately. The input parameters for the simulation of the project are different irradiance values and wind speeds. The properties of the wind and photovoltaic models developed and the hybrid system simulation results are presented with and without a multi-level Diode Clampinverter and LC filter. The results show that the hybrid system is more reliable than the standalone system for generating output voltage. Furthermore, the Multi-Level Diode Clamped Inverter and the LC filter which are installed in the hybrid system can reduce output voltage fluctuations.




