Review Paper on Generation of Electrical Energy By Using Piezoelectric Tiles
- piezoelectric tiles; transducer; pressure; generationAbstract
Many of the researches are going on for finding new type of energy resources as the wind,
thermal, hydel, nuclear power are used in a big amount but some of these types of power
affect the ecosystem as in thermal power plant large amount of emission of harmful gases &
emission of radiation in nuclear power plant, where the other type such as wind and tidal
energy depends upon type pressure and flow of wind that’s why their energy cannot be
considered as a constant source of energy for this we are presenting here a paper on foot
step energy generation using Piezoelectric tiles. Here in this paper we generate the energy
which is totally based on human footsteps their weight and pressure of foot with the area of
cross section (area of impact). This paper relates the generation with help of multiple pieces
of micro-fibre composite (MFC) piezoelectric transducer to convert that connection into a
single tile so that it can add up the current as per the requirement in series connection and
voltage in parallel connection. The tiles will be made with dimension of 1x1 meter, in that
one row of piezieo is connected in series and two rows in parallel and also spring is provided
as energy absorber. Rating of each piezoelectric transducer is 5V and tile rating is 10-12 V
as it totally depends upon pressure.