A Review Paper on 5G Wireless Technology


  • Poornima
  • Varun Kumar
  • Prof. Dr. Rabindra Kumar Singh


5G, 5G Architecture, Evolution from 1G to 5G, Comparison of all Generations, WLAN; 5G; GSM; WWWW; WMAN; DAWN


5G is 5th generation of wireless technology. 5G will give Mobile Telecommunication Standard beyond the present 4G Standards. 5G is made public by some telecommunication companies (Standardization Bodies) such as ITU-R, WiMAX Forum or 3GPP. 5G wireless technology will include the area of Dynamic Adoc Wireless Web (DAWN), and the real time wireless
world. 5G technology will change the means to use a mobile phone within very high bandwidth, more number of applications the same sized physical memory chip due to the usage of
cloud computing with 5G wireless technology. 5G term is not officially used.
5G technology will support IPV6 (IP version 6 since internet is initially an all IP system) and
flat IP concept so that more and more devices can be connected with the network. 5G will
offer the great quality of video quality and VOIP (voice over IP) enabled device that will offer the high level of call volume, documentation, electronic transactions and simultaneously
be connected with the multiple wireless technology and also switch between them according
to the need.




