Demonstration of a High Directive Antenna using Metamaterial Property
Two fold Negative Metamaterial, Back Propagation, Hexagonal Closed Ring ResonatorsAbstract
In this paper, high order reception apparatus utilizing metamaterial property is introduced
for remote medicinal frameworks. The reception apparatus is built by semi-round fix and
hexagonal shut ring resonator (HCRR). For medicinal applications, for example, remote
tolerant development observing, telemetry and telemedicine, specialized gadgets working at
ISM band recurrence is required. Here, the prerequisite is finished with enhanced directivity,
for example, 16 dBi. Furthermore impedance coordinating additionally accomplished with
low reflection misfortune −20 dB. This recieving wire works for numerous recurrence groups
(Mechanical, Scientific and Medical-ISM 2.45 GHz, WLAN 5.3 GHz and GSM 1.9 GHz) with
enhanced directivity.