Computational Modelling and Modal Analysis of a Tri-Leaflet Mechanical Heart Valve using Titanium for Humans
Heart, Hypermesh, Mechanical, Modelling, Thrombosis, ValvesAbstract
Prosthetic heart valves are designed to duplicate the function of native valves by maintaining unidirectional blood flow and can be separated into two comprehensive categories, mechanical and bioprosthetic (also called tissue) valves, each with dissimilar advantages and disadvantages. Structural valve deterioration is a clinically important long-term complication of bioprosthetic valves, causing stenosis, regurgitation, or a mishmash of both, eventually necessitating re-intervention. Valve thrombosis, thromboembolic complications, and pannus formation occur more frequently with mechanical valves Mechanical heart valves are artificial valves that are replaced with natural valves when the functioning fails. Artificial heart valves are used to replace heart valves that have become damaged with age or by certain diseases or congenital abnormalities. Mechanical heart valves are more frequently used these days. Modeling and analysis of a tri-leaflet mechanical heart valve is the primary objective of the project. In order to develop this Titanium material is used and analysis has been carried out using Solid works and Hypermesh software. Modal Analysis has been performed for the tri-leaflet mechanical heart valve in order to obtain the required result.