Case Report on Sepsis with Septic Shock and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndromes


  • Sagar Kamble
  • Ranjana Sharma
  • Ruchira Ankar


Laboratory investigation, Multiple Organ Dysfunction (MODS), Septic shock, Sepsis, Symptoms


Background: Sepsis with Septic shock, a possibly fatal illness, develops when blood pressure falls dangerously low following an infection. Low blood pressure is a pervasive illness that results in organ failure and dangerously occurs. Septic shock occurs in 15.4%. Septic shock occurs once infectious bacteria enter the bloodstream causing a severe inflammatory response that leads to hemodynamic decompensation. Peripheral vascular resistance declines in septic shock, even when catecholamine levels increase. Autoimmunity involves a complex response of cellular impulses that trigger the release of many proinflammatory arbitrators. Additionally, it can immediately develop into septic shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome if not treated on time, and its fatality rate can be as high as 28–56%; approximately two third of the cases occur in patients with significant underlying illness. Case presentation An 18-year-old female client came to the emergency complaining of fever, cold, and coughs with expectoration for four days, generalized weakness, and breathlessness for two days. She does not have any previous history of illness and has undergone with diagnosis investigation blood test, scrub typhus, and dengue Igm x-rays where she was found that the scrub typhus positive and dengue Igm positive later, she was diagnosed with sepsis with septic shock and affect to her liver and lungs and cause MODS. Conclusion Approximately 40% of patients with sepsis may develop septic shock. Moreover, it leads to the critical condition that affects many people worldwide after sepsis; septic shock may lead to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, which affects the body organ and cause the dysfunction of organ and, in some case, causes death. The prevention for this is early detection of disease. The septic shock leads to organ failure because the hospital mortality rate the septic shock is more than 40%.

