A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Vitis vinifera soaks on Hemoglobin Level among Anemic Students in a Selected Colleges at Vellore


  • Dinesh Kumar
  • Gomathy
  • Hemam Sangeeta Devi


effectiveness, vitis vinifera soak, hemoglobin level, anemic students


An experimental study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of vitis vinifera soak on hemoglobin level among anemic students in selected colleges at Vellore. Quantitative evaluative approach was used for this study and the researcher adopted a true experimental research design. The sample was conducted among 60 anemic students in selected colleges at Vellore, in which 30 were in experimental group and 30 were in control group. The sample was selected by using Probability simple random sampling technique with lottery method. The researcher adopted Kristen M. Swanson theory as a conceptual framework. There are six different hypothesis were tested in this study. The Structured interview schedule was used to collect the demographic and clinical variable. Sahli’s hemoglobinometer was used to assess the hemoglobin level. Experimental group received intervention of vitis vinifera soak for 21 days in the morning and control group advised to follow daily routine and no intervention is given. In both groups, on 22nd day the researcher was conducted post test by using same tool. The data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study revealed that the mean post test score in control group was 9.29 where as in experimental group the mean post test score was 9.82, the mean difference was 0.53. The obtained ‘t’ value was 2.24 which was statistically significant (P<0.01). These findings revealed that the students in experimental group had increased hemoglobin level after administering vitis vinifera soak compared to the control group.

