A Study to Assess the Difference in Level of Knowledge and Practice about Infection Control among Staff Nurses in Ansar Hospital, Perumpilavu. After Providing a Structured Self-Learning Education Module in Infection Control, Knowledge and Practice


  • Asmina
  • Nissy K Jaison
  • Kunhathu M
  • Sunaira K A
  • Vichithra V
  • Shahul Hameed


Assess, Knowledge, Practice, Staff Nurses, Barrier


Hospital acquired infections acts as a threat to population health and is not going away any time soon. Due to frequent contact between health care workers and patients, there are high chances, that pathogens can be transmitted from one patient to another if good quality Infection control practice is not followed and maintained. It is the responsibility of health care workers to keep the patients in their care safe by modeling effective Infection control practices. A national update from Nurse.com (2009) states that one of the actions needed by nurses to manage HINI flu is frequent hand washing. Nurses need to have a proactive voice in the promotion of current best practices our research e explains how multifaceted approaches including a combination of education, written material, intervention, reminders and continued performance feedback, can have an important effect on infection control compliance and rates of hospital-acquired infection. Nurses can take a leadership role in all healthcare settings to foster an organizational culture that promotes and reflects a strong obligation to patient safety through effective infection control practice In our study in Ansar hospital we could establish the strong motivation can attain 100% effectiveness in upbringing the standards it was noted that 40% has inadequate knowledge and practice regarding Infection control in pre education test. But in post education Test 100% sample attained above 60% which is acceptable score of knowledge and practice. From the analysis of the data it was revealed that there is no significant relationship between knowledge and practice of staff nurses in respect to age, experience, and education, in pre and post education aspects but there is definite relationship between knowledge. And SK scores in pre and post education aspects




