Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Prostate Cancer


  • Anoop kumar. k
  • I. Clement Principal and HOD, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Columbia College of Nursing, Mariappanapalya, Gnanabharathi, Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Mamatha BV
  • T. Ranganayki


Prostate cancer, BPH (Begin Prostate Hypertrophy), STP (Structured Teaching Programme)


The Prostate gland is chest nut or walnut shaped supportive structure of male reproductive system that is situated just below the bladder. Prostate gland produce prostatic fluid and Provide nourishes by supplying of nutrient and protects sperm in reproductive tract. The size and shape of prostate gland changes according to age process of men and may causes BPH and Prostate cancer. BPH and Prostate cancer is the most common in men and in that prostate cancer is second most common cause of cancer death. According to WHO in General population of men and death rate is about 3times greater about 1:5men develop prostate cancer. According National Cancer Institute in India revealed an increasing trend in the incidence of prostate cancer and the annual percentage change ranged 0.14-8.6. Lack of proper knowledge regarding the prostate cancer and its prevention among public seems as one of the major reason for increase prostate cancer incidence in India. So increasing the knowledge of the men is one of the important measures to overcome this situation. A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding prostate cancer and its prevention among men in selected urban area at Mysore district was conducted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of master of science in nursing at BGS College of Nursing, Mysore. The study objectives are: 1. To assess the pre-test knowledge and attitude regarding prostate cancer and its prevention among men in selected urban areas at Mysore. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding prostate cancer and its prevention among men in selected urban areas at Mysore. 3. To find out the co-relation between the knowledge and attitude regarding prostate cancer and its prevention among men in selected urban areas at Mysore. 4. To find the association between the pre-test knowledge and selected demographic variables among men in selected urban areas at Mysore. 5. To find the association between the pre-test attitude and selected demographic variables among men in selected urban areas at Mysore, Research design: one group pre experimental pretest and post test design was adopted to evaluate the effectiveness STP on knowledge and attitude regarding prostate cancer and its prevention Results: There will be significant difference between means pre-test knowledge, attitude score and post-test knowledge, attitude score among middle age men population on prostate cancer and its prevention. Mean percentage of pretest, posttest and enhanced knowledge, attitude score of respondents in different aspects. In aspects of knowledge regarding prostate cancer and its prevention mean value of knowledge score in pre-test was 9.3 and in posttest was 18.5 with enhancement of 9.2. In aspects of attitude regarding prostate cancer and its prevention mean value of attitude score in pretest was 36.18 and in post-test was 64.56 with enhancement of 28.38. The calculated correlation coefficient value was 0.219 which found that to be no significant. The calculated paired ‘t’ test knowledge value was 21.08 which found to be significant and The calculated paired ‘t’ test attitude value was 23.14 which found to be significant. All the calculated‘t’ values were significant at 0.05% level of significance. Hence declared that null hypothesis H01 is rejected in relation to all aspects of Knowledge and attitude and research hypothesis H1 is accepted. Conclusion: The study concluded that the STP on Prostate cancer and its prevention carried out in the study was found to be effective in improving the knowledge and changed in attitude of men as evidenced by change in pretest and post-test knowledge and attitude score. This study help the nurse researchers to develop in depth in to the development of teaching methods and set of information to public onprostate cancer towards prevent of disease, complication and promote health.

