Knowledge on Hospital Acquired Infections among Nursing Students


  • Sophia. G


Hospital Acquired Infections, Knowledge Assessment, Nursing Students


Title: A study to assess the level of knowledge on hospital acquired infections among I Year Basic B.Sc.(N) students studying in College Of Nursing, Madurai Medical College, Madurai. Objectives: To assess the level of Knowledge on hospital acquired infections among I year Basic B.Sc.(N) students studying in College Of Nursing, Madurai Medical College, Madurai. To associate the level of Knowledge on hospital acquired infections among I year Basic B.Sc.(N) students studying in College Of Nursing, Madurai Medical College, Madurai with their selected socio demographic variables. Conceptual framework: Health Belief Model, this model was created by Becker. Research approach: Quantitative approach. Design: Descriptive study design was adopted. Setting of the study: The study was conducted College of nursing, Madurai Medical College Madurai. Subjects:50 nursing students .Sampling technique: Purposive sampling technique Findings: This study revealed that there is a significant association between Residence, Education of the students, Education of the father, Education of the Mother, Occupation of the father and the level of knowledge among I Year B.Sc. Nursing Students on hospital acquired infections with their selected demographic variables. Conclusion: The study shows that the I Year B. Sc. Nursing Students had adequate knowledge on hospital acquired infections.




