Effectiveness of Group Therapy on Psychological Well-Being Among Alcoholic Addicts in Selected De-Addiction Centre- Coimbatore- A Quantitative Study
Alcoholic addict, Group therapy, psychological well-being, De-addiction centre, CoimbatoreAbstract
The present study investigated the effect of group therapy on psychological well-being among alcoholic addicts. The objectives of the study are to assess the level of psychological well-being among alcoholic addicts in the experimental and control group, to compare the level of psychological well-being among alcoholic addicts between the experimental and control group and to associate the findings with selected demographic variables and clinical variables. Pre-experimental one-group pre-test post-test design was employed for 40 alcoholic addicts. The study was carried out in Krishna de-addiction centre-Coimbatore, using a simple random technique. The tool used for the study was the psychological well-being scale has consisted of 6 affective groups [anxiety, depressed mood, positive well-being, self-control, general health, and vitality]. Collected data were analysed using appropriate descriptive to describe the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation of the demographic variables and clinical variables of the patients and inferential statistics were used to determine the comparison, relationship, and association. Study findings indicate that group therapy is effective to improve the psychological well-being of alcoholic addicts.