A Study to Assess the Attitude of Nursing Officers Regarding the Non- Pharmacological Measures to Control the Seizures
Seizure, control, Smoking, Nonpharmacological, Attitude, Measures, Carbohydrate diet, NoiseAbstract
Seizures are the common neurological problems affecting the population. The effect of the seizure on the person’s wellbeing is subjected to the ability of the individual activity of daily living. Person with seizures need to adopt several healthy lifestyles to carry out productive and positive wellbeing. The seizure affects the person’s emotional, social and psychological involvements. Along with the medications such as antiepileptic’s certain non-pharmacological, measures are essential to control the seizures.
Materials and Methods: A non-experimental descriptive research was adopted in this study. 47 Nursing officers was selected based on Non probability convenient sampling technique. Data was collected by using tools consist of two major sections. The 5 points likert scale was used to assess the attitude of nursing officers towards non pharmacological measures to control the seizures.
Results: The result of the study was analyzed and summarized based on the statistics required for the study. Frequency and percentage distribution of the samples based on the socio demographic data, Percentage distribution of the samples based on Attitude scale, Association of attitude scale with selected demographical variables. It was found that 64% of the samples agree that high altitude and recreational drugs should be avoided, 79% samples agreed that avoiding smoking helps in seizure control, 92% and 87% of the samples agreed that avoiding stress and immediate attention to fever will reduce the seizures. 74% samples responded that noisy environment should be avoided. The data was analyzed to find the association of attitude scores with selected demographical variables, the chi square statistics was applied and the gender and knowledge was associated with limiting carbohydrate diet and avoiding exercise in hot weather. The family history of seizures was associated with control of emotional stress and avoiding bright light and also to carbohydrate diet and exercise in hot weather. Based on the above stated results the H1 was accepted in relation with associated variables.
Conclusion: The samples freely expressed their opinion towards the measures to control the seizures. The samples agreed that the positive life style changes can improve the health of the seizure patients and thus control the number of seizure episodes. Avoiding strenuous activities and self-medications, proper diet and limiting heavy exercise and ceasation of smoking and alcoholics, keep away from noisy environments are some of the measures to control the seizures.