Knowledge Regarding Pet Therapy for Reducing Selected Psychological Problems among Geriatric Clients


  • Dayananda Bittenahalli Omkarappa


Anxiety, Depression, Pet therapy and Old age


Background and objectives: The older age group will be greater risk for depression, anxiety disorders and substance abuse etc... Health professionals will be challenged to design strategies that address the higher prevalence of psychological problems with in this aging population. Pet therapy is becoming popular for treating psychological problems. Older people are more likely to maintain good mental health, if appropriate health education services are provided. Therefore the investigator planned to conduct the study to assess the knowledge regarding pet therapy for reducing selected psychological problems among geriatric clients with a view to develop an information guide sheet. Methods: A descriptive survey design with purposive sampling was used to collect the data from 100 geriatric clients who are residing at Bangalore. Data was collected using a structured interview schedule. Statistical analysis used: Data were analyzed using Statistical package for the social Sciences software package (Version 16). Results: The overall mean knowledge score regarding pet therapy was 50.94% with the SD 4.53 and 10% of respondents had adequate knowledge, 46% had moderate knowledge and 44% had inadequate knowledge regarding pet therapy. Conclusion: The overall finding showed that the geriatric clients in general do not possess adequate knowledge regarding pet therapy for reducing psychological problems.




