Climate Changes and Its Impact on Mental Health


  • Dr. Mrs. S. Jeyalakshmi
  • Dr. B. Sara
  • Dr. K. Latha


Climate change, distress, farmer suicide, global warming, aggression posttraumatic stress disorder, djustment disorder, and depression


The year 2014 has been declared as the “Hottest year” globally by the Meteorological department of United States of America. The unpredictable climate changes happening rapidly due to modernization and the utilization of technology in all aspects of our life. This is become a great challenges to repeal the untoward effects on human health. As a result of the trastic changes occurring in the human living environment, the people living in vulnerable areas at risk for getting communicable disease such as diarrohea, dysentery water born diseases out breaking epidemic diseases etc. and non-communicable diseases such as stress induced hypertension, diabetics, cardiovascular disorders and neurological disorders. Any changes in the physical health have great impact on the mental health of the people also. Because of the elevated earth temperature the individual with worst mental health becomes aggressive & violent. It is quite common the mortality rate of suicides, especially Farmer suicide rate had been increased because of droughts followed by climatic changes When the disaster have been happening more frequently and increases the and stress and impaired mental health. Depression, adjustment problems, aggression, developing psychotic features in the immediate period of disaster. After some years post traumatic disorders can occur recurrently among the affected victims. Migration is quite common because of global warming resulting in acculturation and lot of stress and strain for survival causes psychological distress.




