Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge of Staff Nurses Regarding Patient Safety in Psychiatric Ward at Selected Hospitals Bangalore
Effectiveness, knowledge, patient safety, staff nurses, structured teaching programmeAbstract
Context: Keeping patient safe can be viewed as a public health problem and a human right issue. A key component of safety has-been both the reduction of violence and the issues surrounding the use of seclusion and restraint. Thus the investigator planned to study the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of staff nurses regarding patient safety in psychiatric ward at selected hospitals Bangalore.
Settings and Design: Research design incorporates the most important methodological decisions that are researcher makes in conducting search study. Their search designs elected for the present study was pre- experimental with one group pre-test and post-test design, in which pre-test was conducted followed by structured teaching programme (STP) and then conducting post test for the same group after 7 days. (Table 1). The study was conducted in 2 psychiatric hospitals in Bangalore, Spandana Rehabilitation, Research and Training Centre, Bangalore and Abhaya neuro psychiatric hospital, Bangalore.
Materials and Methods: The sample size for the present study is 50 nurses working at Spandana Rehabilitation, Research and Training Centre, Bangalore and Abhaya neuro- psychiatric hospital, Bangalore. Convenient sampling was used for selecting sample.
Statistical Analysis used: Data were calculated statistical methods using tabular colums and diagrams.
Results: The study findings had shown that staff nurses had poor knowledge on patient safety in psychiatric ward.
Conclusion: Overall findings showed that there is knowledge deficit among staff nurses regarding patient safety in psychiatric ward and STP was effective in improving their knowledge.