Didactic Modular Educational Programme on Self - Management and Self- Efficacy of Adults with Epilepsy


  • Hasna Joy
  • Susan Mathai
  • Sheela Shenai N. A


Epilepsy, Didactic modular educational programme, self-management, self-efficacy


Introduction: Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes physical and social limitations for the individual. Hence, they requires constant care, treatment and teaching to adopt many self-management behaviours and self-efficacy to control the occurrence of Epilepsy. Aim: This study aimed to assess and find the effect of Didactic Modular Educational Program on self-management and self- efficacy of adults with epilepsy, to assess their relationship and to find association between self–management and self–efficacy with selected socio–demographic variables. Methods: A quantitative pre experimental one group  pre–test post–test design was used and data was collected from Neuro-OPD of Tertiary care Hospital, Ernakulum District. The subjects were selected by sample of convenience and sample size was 30. Socio–demographic data was collected. Pre–test conducted using Adult Epilepsy Self–Management measuring Instrument–65 Items and Epilepsy Self – Efficacy Measuring Tool 33 – Items. Intervention of modular didactic Educational Programme (1 module) was given immediately after pre–test. Post-test was done one month after the intervention. Results: The mean pre – test score of self – management was 206.46 and that of Self – Efficacy was 221.40, then the post-test values of self – management and Self–efficacy were 282.40 and 308.56 respectively. The difference in pre-test and the post-test scores was statistically significant. Pearson’s product-moment correlation test was used to assess the relationship between self-management and self – efficacy and there is a moderate positive correlation (r = 0.581) and score was statistically significant. There is no association found between the socio–demographic data with self-management and Self- efficacy of adults with epilepsy. Conclusion: The Didactic Modular Educational Program was effective in improving the self-management and self-efficacy among adults with epilepsy. The study signifies the need of such educational programs for common population affected with a disorder like Epilepsy.




