To assess the Level of Burden among Caregivers of Schizophrenic Patients in Psychiatric OPD at PIMS, Puducherry
Level of Burden, Caregivers, Schizophrenic patientsAbstract
The most common mental health consequences identified are depression, anxiety and burnout which occur when a caregiver slips beyond exhaustion or depression. Carying of Schizophrenic individuals is associated with higher level of stress and burden than carrying someone with functional, physical deformity and from chronic medical illnesses. The present study was aimed to assess the Level of Burden Among Caregivers of Schizophrenic Patients at Psychiatric OPD in Selected Hospital, Puducherry. Descriptive quantitative research design was adopted in this study. Study was conducted among 180 Caregivers of Schizophrenic Patients visiting Psychiatric OPD in Selected Hospital, Puducherry & participants were selected by convenience sampling technique. Modified caregiver burden scale was used to assess the level of burden on carying of schizophrenic patients among participants after the content validity. The present study assessed the the level of Level of Burden among Caregivers of Schizophrenic Patients and it was founded that Most of them 139 (77.2%) had moderate, 31(17.2%) had a severe and only 10 (5.6%) had mild level of burden among caregivers of schizophrenic patients. The majority of caregivers had moderate and severe level of burden on carrying Schizophrenic Patients. It also helps them to improve their life style modifications and to maintain their physical and mental health status. The present study proves that the caregivers of schizophrenic patients must have moderate and severe level of burden and stress in carrying the Schizophrenic Patients.