A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Teaching Program (CATP) on Knowledge Regarding Basic Computer Skills Among First-Year Nursing Students in Selected Colleges at Uttara Kannada
Basic computer skills, Computer-assisted teaching program, Evaluate, Knowledge, Nursing StudentsAbstract
Background: In the recent scenario a computer become one of the main accessories to lead a successful life as a person or a professional. The study aimed at evaluating the computer-assisted teaching program (CATP) on knowledge regarding basic computer skills among first-year nursing students in St. Ignatius institute of health sciences, Honavar, Uttara Kannada. The study focused on enhancing the knowledge level of first-year nursing students regarding basic computer skills. An evaluative approach with a pre-experimental group pre and post-test research design was adopted in this work. The sample size was 40 first-year nursing students, who were selected by cluster sampling technique. Data were collected by using computer-assisted knowledge questionnaire with 28 multiple-choice questions. Data was analyzed by using a paired-t-test to draw out the inference by comparing the mean score difference. The computed paired-t-test value showed there is a significant difference in the pretest mean (x̅1=13.45) and post-test (x̅2=22.08) Knowledge score (t39=16.57>p=0.05) at 0.05 level of significance, the null hypothesis is rejected (H0). religion x2 (9, N=40)= 2.1817, P=16.92 area residence x2 (3, N=40)=0.01031, P=7.82, having personal computer x2 (3, N=40)= 2.4572, P=7.82 knowing to operate. computer by themselves x2(3, N=40) =0. Chi square test[x2] score reveals that there is significant association with age x2(6, N=40)=2.876, P=12.59, educational course. x2(3, N=40)=0.1138,P==7.82, 0.10135, P=7.82, hours used for work in computer x2 (6N=40)= 1.8033, P=12.59, knowing alternatives of PC x2 (3, N=40)= 0.02620, P=7.82 the alternatives of PC x2 (9, N=40)=2.6538, P=16.92 knowing the parts of computer x2 (3, N=40)= 0, P=7.82 name the parts of computer x2 (9N=40)= 2.54, P= 16.92 seen in basic computer skills. The study concluded as the computer-assisted teaching program on basic computer skills was effective in promoting the knowledge level of first-year nursing students.
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